Screening of foreign counterparties with Globas: new challenges and standards
Photo: Freepik.com
In recent years, there has been a significant transformation in the publicity of data on companies registered in various countries. If previously most states sought maximum transparency of corporate information, providing free access to data on owners, shareholders and beneficiaries, today the trend has changed. More and more countries are restricting access to this information, which complicates the screening and compliance procedures.
This trend is largely related to global political and economic instability, increased international sanctions and geopolitical risks. Open data makes it easier to impose sanctions, so many states prefer non-disclosure in order to ensure internal security and protect their companies from external pressure. As a result, screening of foreign counterparties become more complex and require specialized tools and methods.
Understanding new challenges and effectively using available tools is the basis for building safe and reliable business relationships.

Screening standards for foreign companies

Screening of foreign counterparties is based on internationally recognized standards and best compliance practices. Key aspects include:
  1. Legal status and registration data: Confirmation of the fact of registration of the company in the commercial registers of the country of its registration. It is important to ensure that registration information is up to date, availability of licenses and permits necessary to operate. Checking registered address eliminates the risks associated with fictitious or unreliable data.
  2. Financial stability: Analysis of a company's financial statements helps to assess its solvency, debt burden and overall financial stability. It is important to examine both the financial statements and the dynamics of financial indicators over several years in order to identify possible risks associated with the worsening of the financial situation.
  3. Reputation and business history: Assessment of the company's reputation includes analysis of media publications, participation in litigation, including arbitration cases and corporate disputes. It is also important to take into account the feedback from business partners and clients, which allows to get a more complete picture of the reliability of the counterparty.
  4. Ownership structure and beneficiaries: Identification of ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) and analysis of corporate structure help identify hidden links with other companies, offshore zones or sanctioned individuals. This is critical to comply with international anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing standards (AML/CFT) regulations.
  5. Sanctions lists and compliance: Screening of the counterparty for international and national sanctions helps to avoid violations of sanctions legislation. It is also important to take into account secondary sanctions and the risks of interaction with companies from jurisdictions with a high level of sanctions restrictions.
  6. Cross-jurisdictional risks: When dealing with foreign counterparties, it is necessary to take into account differences in legal systems, disclosure requirements and corporate governance standards. Analysis of the legislation of the country of incorporation of the company helps to identify possible legal restrictions and risks associated with the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
  7. Environment, Social and Governance (ESG): In modern conditions, more and more companies take into account ESG factors when evaluating counterparties. Checking environmental and social responsibility compliance helps reduce reputational risks and improve long-term business sustainability.
Information and Analytical system Globas offers effective solutions for comprehensive check of foreign companies, allowing to compensate for the lack of public data and reduce risks when doing business in the international arena. Globas provides the following tools:

Screening of a counterparty available in Globas subscription

Besides Russia checking for companies from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine is available in Globas subscription. The data includes factors 'Require attention', the possibility of checking managers, shareholders, beneficiaries, assessing sanctions risks, the availability of licenses, data on branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, information on inclusion into various lists, financial indicators and financial statements, legal proceedings in the Russian Federation, etc.
For companies from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, data on planned and extraordinary inspections carried out by supervisory authorities are additionally available, which is important for analyzing the identified violations and assessing potential operational risks.

Information on companies worldwide

Online report can be ordered for more than 527 million companies from Europe, America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. Basic information about companies worldwide is provided.
For a more detailed check, you can place an off-line order for fresh investigations, which are prepared by Credinform experts. Offline reports contain key data, including registration data (date of registration, number, status), contact details, data on management, shareholders, types of activities, authorized capital, financial statements if available, banks, etc.
Additionally, our experts screen for the following data:
  • affiliated and subsidiaries in the Russian Federation;
  • legal proceedings in the Russian Federation, enforcement proceedings in the Russian Federation;
  • certificates and declarations of conformity issued in the Russian Federation;
  • entry into the sanctions lists of Russia, the USA, the EU, Great Britain and other countries.

Online check of companies from China

You can quickly find and receive detailed information about companies from China within 1-2 hours. Globas instantly provides basic information, and if necessary, you can place an order for detailed information directly from the search results.
The service provides a number of advantages:
  • free search and viewing of basic information about companies in real time mode;
  • extended data in in the reports, including information on litigation and enforcement proceedings;
  • up-to-date financial statements, which is especially important for assessing the reliability of counterparties;
  • data is available on all companies from China, including newly registered ones.

Legal Risk Reports on foreign companies

Legal Risk Reports for companies registered in Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia are available. The reports include data on litigation (parties, court, amount of claims), bankruptcy and liquidation information, corporate events (change in authorized capital, change of name, cancellation of license), as well as information on registration of real estate pledge.
Globas helps to effectively overcome the limitations associated with the shortage of public data, providing a comprehensive compliance check of foreign counterparties. Use Globas to increase trust and reduce risks when building international business relations.


Credit reports on foreign companies

Thanks to a wide network of partners, Credinform provides information about legal entities and entrepreneurs around the world on all continents: from multinational corporations to offshore companies and individual entrepreneurs. To verify the solvency of the company, to identify the owners or to check the fact of registration in an offshore zone – our experts will provide comprehensive information and a competent resume.

Risk assessment of field tax inspections: Globas tools and solutions
Photo: ru.freepik.com
The field tax inspection is one of the most strict and detailed forms of control applied by the Russian tax authorities. The financial and economic activities of the company for a specific period are analyzed during the inspection. These inspections often include a visit of inspectors to the enterprise to study primary documents and other data. The results of inspection can lead to additional charges of taxes, penalties, fines and even become the basis for litigation. In the Newsletter, we inform why it is important to check counterparties for tax risks, how to do it yourself, and how Globas can help.

Tax risk criteria and how companies fall under the attention of tax authorities

The purpose of the field tax inspection is verify the accuracy of the calculation, withholding and transfer of taxes to the budget. When choosing companies for inspections, the tax authorities are guided by certain risk criteria that reflect both the financial and organizational characteristics of the company. These criteria are specified in the Concept for planning field inspections of the Federal Tax Service and are divided into several categories:
1. Tax risks:
  • tax burden below the industry average
  • losses over several accounting periods
  • significant amounts of tax deductions
  • discrepancy between the growth rates of expenses and income
  • the minimum difference between income and expenses for individual entrepreneurs
  • frequent change of tax authority
2. Partners-related risks:
  • transactions with counterparties with signs of suspicious activities
  • lack of clarifications for requests from the Federal Tax Service
  • cooperating with companies that are in the tax risk zone
3. Risks associated with non-compliance with market and regulatory requirements:
  • salaries of employees are below the industry average
  • exceeding limits on special tax regimes
  • deviation of profitability from the industry average
It is important to understand that not only the company itself, but also its business partners may fall under the risks. Cooperation with unreliable counterparties can raise questions from the tax authorities, even if the company complies with all the requirements. Therefore, checking partners for compliance with risk criteria is an important part of tax control and business protection.

Why it is important to check counterparties for compliance with tax risk criteria

Cooperation with counterparties inevitably leads participation in a common chain of financial transactions. If one of the partners violates tax requirements, this can create risks for other participants. The main reasons why to check partners:
Financial stability. An unreliable partner could be at the centre of a tax investigation, which would jeopardize its solvency and cause problems for your business.
Reputational consequences. Cooperation with counterparties that raise questions for tax authorities can have a negative impact on your company's reputation.
Tax risks. If a partner violates the law, transactions may be recognized as fictitious, which will lead to a revision of tax obligations and possible fines.
Checking partners is not just a formality, but a way to avoid financial and reputational losses.

How to independently check the counterparty for tax audit risks

Several approaches can be used to check partners:
  1. Services of the Federal Tax Service. For example, you can use a tax calculator which allows you to assess the tax burden and compare it with industry averages.
  2. Analysis of financial statements. Financial statements is useful to identify key indicators - the average salary of employees, profitability, losses for reporting periods and other metrics.
  3. Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The Register contains information about re-registrations and changing of the tax authority.
  4. Registers of the Federal Tax Service. Allow you to check debts, basic information on the company and its status.
However, self-made analysis requires time, skills and access to different sources. Therefore, a convenient solution may be to use automated systems like Globas, which allow you to quickly obtain a comprehensive assessment of a partner.

How Globas helps check counterparties for the field tax inspection criteria

Globas includes a special "Risk of tax inspection" section, which allows you to quickly assess companies and their counterparties for tax risks.
The section is created on the basis of the Concept of the planning system for field tax audits, approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MM-3-06/333 @ dated May 30, 2007. The concept contains a list of 12 publicly available criteria recommended for self-made assessment of tax risk.
In Globas, an automatic check is carried out under 12 criteria, which eliminates the need to independently carry out calculations, search for industry averages figures or collect data from open sources.
The section presents ready-made analysis results for each criterion with corresponding conclusions. Detailed information on the calculation of indicators and on what data it is based on is also available.
The Risk of tax inspection section allows you to quickly obtain information about the company's tax risks, while minimizing the labor costs of the expert responsible for the inspection.
Check your counterparties for tax risks quickly and conveniently using Globas. Get trial access and evaluate all the features of the service.