TOP 10 wood processing enterprises

Information agency Credinform presents the ranking of the largest Russian primary wood processing enterprises. The largest companies in the industry (TOP 10 and TOP 1000) in terms of annual revenue for the last reporting periods available in the state statistics bodies and the Federal Tax Service (2018-2020) were selected for the ranking. Then they were ranked by product profitability ratio (Table 1). Selection of companies and analysis were carried out on the basis of data from the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Product profitability is calculated as a ratio of profit from sales to ordinary activities expenses. In general, profitability reflects the economic efficiency of production. Analysis of product profitability allows us to assess efficiency and feasibility of manufacturing goods.

There are no standard values for indicators of this group, since they vary greatly depending on industry.

It is necessary to pay attention to the entire set of indicators and financial ratios to get the most complete and objective picture of enterprise's financial condition.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, product profitability, Globas of primary wood processing enterprises (TOP 10)
Name, INN, region Revenue, million rubles Net profit (loss), million rubles. Product profitability, % Globas Solvency Index
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
INN 4715778325 Leningrad Region
up6 906,2 down6 690,7 up1 916,4 down972,9 up34,85 down24,91 192 Superior
INN 7807311832 Republic of Karelia
down4 102,8 up4 339,1 down152,6 up207,7 up18,30 down18,04 229 Strong
INN 3808156861 Irkutsk Region
up4 072,4 up4 399,5 up460,1 up867,6 down15,75 up17,56 168 Superior
INN 7838407799 Saint Petersburg
down8 416,1 up10 110,8 down30,5 up117,7 down2,63 up16,57 191 Superior
INN 2928001265 Arkhangelsk Region
up12 730,9 up16 986,5 down269,4 up2 046,6 down4,60 up14,29 171 Superior
INN 8601022074 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra
up4 862,9 up5 432,2 down172,0 up427,0 down6,25 up11,68 149 Superior
INN 2922008546 Arkhangelsk Region
up18 089,0 up20 863,0 up-77,1 down-7 368,7 up9,42 up10,40 321 Adequate
INN 2454003302 Krasnoyarsk Territory
up8 960,9 up10 268,1 up224,2 down-397,9 down-2,10 up9,50 281 Medium
INN 2721162072 Khabarovsk Territory
down4 338,3 down4 252,3 up167,3 down-2 230,0 down-5,70 up-0,28 321 Adequate
INN 6711012340 Smolensk Region
up20 695,0 down11 858,3 up15 655,4 down-1 070,4 up310,65 down-8,28 275 Medium
TOP 10 average value up9 317,4 up9 520,1 up1 897,1 down-642,8 up39,47 down11,44  
TOP 1000 average value up273,2 up284,2 up24,4 down0,8 down12,90 down12,17
Industry average value up50,4 down50,0 up2,4 down-0,1 down10,46 down8,61

вверх improvement of the indicator to the previous period, вниз deterioration of the indicator to the previous period

In 2020, average indicators of the product profitability coefficient of the TOP 10 and TOP 1000 are higher than the industry average. Two companies from the TOP 10 had negative indicators in both 2019 and 2020. The decline in indicators in 2020 was observed in three TOP 10 companies, while in 2019 there were six such companies.

At the same time, in 2020, seven companies increased their revenue and five companies increased their net profit.

The increase in average revenue in the TOP 10 amounted to 2%, in the TOP 1000 - 4%, and the average industry indicator decreased by almost 1%.

The average profit in the TOP 10 decreased by almost 4 times, in the TOP 1000 - by 30 times, and the average drop in the industry was 25 times.

Over the past 5 years, average industry indicators of product profitability coefficient have been growing only in 2018. The best value of indicator was achieved in the same year, and the worst result was shown in 2017. (Picture 1).

Picture 1. Changes in average industry values of product profitability coefficient of primary wood processing enterprises in 2016-2020. Picture 1. Changes in average industry values of product profitability coefficient of primary wood processing enterprises in 2016-2020.
Legislative changes

New amendments of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation came into force in April of this year. The amendments has significantly increased penalties for refusal to provide documentation at the request of supervisory authorities outside framework of tax audits.

As explained in the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, until 2021, taxpayers were held liable under Article 129.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Unlawful failure to report information to a tax authority" in case of refusal to provide documents on transactions in absence of a tax audit. Administrative fines in the amount of 5 thousand rubles were imposed in such cases.

However, with the changes adopted by the Federal law No. 6-FZ dated 17.02.2021, in paragraph 2 of article 93.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Request of documents (information) on taxpayer, fee payer, insurance payer and tax agent or information about specific transactions," it became possible to prosecute under article 126 of the Tax Code "Failure to provide a tax authority with information necessary for implementation of tax control" for failure to submit documents on transactions, regardless of a tax audit. This article implies a 200 rubles fine for each document that was not submitted.

A package of transaction documentation may include: contract, accounts, invoices, payment documents, acts of rendering services or work performed and other types of documentation. Their total number, depending on the size and duration of the transaction, can be several dozen. Thus, such penalties can also multiply increase.

Information about tax violations of counterparties is available to the users of the Information and Analytical system Globas in "Taxes and fees" section of a company report.