Net profit ratio of the largest publishers of newspapers and magazines in Russia

Information agency Credinform prepared a ranking of publishers of newspapers and magazines in Russia.

The companies with the highest volume of revenue were selected for this ranking according to data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (for the year 2012). These enterprises were ranked by decrease in net profit ratio.

Net profit ratio (%) is the ratio of net profit (loss) of a company to net sales. It shows how profitable were sales of a company.

There is no specified value, that’s way it is recommended to compare companies of the same branch or ratio's change with time in one specific organization. If indicators are negative, it means that company has net loss. The higher is the net profit ratio, the more effective is finally company’s activity.

Table 1. Net profit ratio of the largest publishers of newspapers and magazines (TOP-10)
NameRegionTurnover for 2012, in mln RUBNet profit ratio, %Solvency index GLOBAS-i®
1 Feshn Press LLC
INN: 7743002018
Moscow 3 099,1 23,5 165(the highest)
2 Konde Nast KCJSC
INN: 7709244433
Moscow 2 785,0 16,1 170(the highest)
3 Izdatelstvo SEM DNEI CJSC
INN: 7703038770
Moscow 2 323,0 12,2 157(the highest)
4 Herst Shkulev Media LLC
INN: 7708183322
Moscow 2 945,4 8,9 180(the highest)
5 Izdatelsky dom Burda CJSC
INN: 7705056238
Moscow 3 081,0 5,0 254(high)
6 Aktion-Media CJSC
INN: 7702189092
Moscow 2 235,6 1,7 268(high)
7 Izdatelstvo Rossiiskaya gazeta CJSC
INN: 7714010896
Moscow 3 980,4 1,0 220(high)
8 Kommersant.Izdatelsky Dom CJSC
INN: 7707120552
Moscow 2 700,1 0,7 203(high)
INN: 7714037217
Moscow 4 936,3 0,2 211(high)
INN: 7743814193
Moscow 1 825,9 -8,0 299(high)

publishers of newspapers and magazines

Picture 1. Net profit ratio and turnover of the largest publishers of newspapers and magazines in Russia (TOP-10)

Cumulative turnover of the first 10 largest publishers of newspapers and magazines made 29 911,8 mln RUB at year-end 2012, that adds up to 47% of the revenue of TOP-100 companies. The average value of the net profit ratio of TOP-100 is 5,6%.

All publishers of TOP-10 are located in Moscow; the capital keeps lead in this segment without doubt.

The highest value of the net profit ratio was shown by FESHN PRESS LLC (23,5%), which puts out such magazines as: «Cosmopolitan», «Men's Health», «Esquire», «Populyarnaya mehanika», «Robb Report Rossiya» etc.

The indicator value, being higher, than branch average, was reached also by following publishers: Konde Nast CJSC (16,1%), magazines «Vogue», «Glamour», «GQ» etc, Izdatelstvo SEM DNEI CJSC (12,2%), magazine «7 Dnei», as well as Herst Shkulev Media LLC (8,9%), magazines «ELLE», «PSYCHOLOGIES», «MAXIM», «Marie Claire» etc. The mentioned companies are the most efficient and profitable in terms of final financial result. Moreover, according to the independent estimation of solvency, developed by the Information agency Credinform, all companies showed the highest rating, that excludes the financial inability in the foreseeable future. Now therefore, the publishers with the highest solvency index are the most attractive for the investment of funds for the purpose of profit earning.

Other participants of the ranking occurred to be less profitable publishers, in spite of large turnover, there are big expenses; AINYUS LLC (newspapers «Izvestiya», «Zhizn», «Tvoi den», magazine «Bubble»), and in any case, has net loss. But along with this their solvency is at a high level, what minimizes the bankruptcy risk.

It is clear, that the field of so called «glamour» is financially more profitable, than general interest media. The brands recognizable in the whole world have successfully become naturalized in Russia and are in great demand by people, keeping an eye on fashion trends and the life of stars.

Will the Crimea become an impetus for economic growth?

March 21, 2014, the Federation Council approved a law on the procedure for joining the Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia and approval of a transitional period for the smooth integration of the two new entities.

Certainly, the inclusion of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia is a historical event, but opinions about how this event will affect the economic development of the country as a whole, and new actors in particular, are diametrically opposed.

Some say that the possible economic sanctions for the "acquisition of Crimea" are too large, especially in conditions of low economic growth. In this case, rather frightening are so-called tacit sanctions, such as recommendations to foreign businesses to stop the possible cooperation with Russia or downgrade of Russian companies by foreign rating agencies. Also the cost of the integration of new entities to the Russian Federation shouldn’t be forgotten. Although it is early to speak about specific numbers today, but the most immodest estimates only in the current year the total cost of joining the region may reach 150 billion rubles.

Since the process of integration is quite delicate and requires informed and rational decision-making , it is assumed that the transition period will last until the end of this year . According to Dmitry Medvedev , right up until the end of the transitional period in the Crimea and Sevastopol will act social benefits, in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, but they will be paid in rubles , on the basis of exchange at the time of accession to Russia (3.8 rubles to UAH ) . In addition, the Prime Minister noted that leading of social benefits to nationwide level should be realized gradually in order to reduce the risk of inflation.

One of the critical issues is the dependence of the Crimea from Ukrainian energy and water supply. The country leaders are considering the joining of the peninsula to the integrated power system of Russia through the Kerch Strait, or construction of two in the republic two high-power stations as possible solutions to this problem. Temirgaliev Ruslan , Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea, said that the construction of nine mobile gas and steam turbine power stations can help to solve the problem of intermittent electricity in the medium term.

The main goal that the government has set itself in the long term is the all-round development of the region with the gradual transformation of the subsidy, which it was earlier, to donor region.

Today the varieties of ways to develop the Crimea are suggested. Development of traditional sectors such as tourism and wine production, development of new sectors, such as offshore gas extraction, are among them. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak , who was assigned to be responsible for the Republic of Crimea in the government , said that by April 15 of the current year the plan to establish a special economic zone (SEZ ) in the Crimea has to be prepared. After vesting Peninsula of SEZ status, Special Corporation will be established. Its main task will be the execution of public projects and attract private investment. According to Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev , today Russian investors are ready to invest about USD 5 billion in Crimea projects.

At the same time the Prime Minister suggested to consider the option of introducing a "tax holiday" during the transition period for enterprises that have changed to the Russian jurisdiction and paying taxes in the Crimea. In addition, many experts predict the creation of tax incentives for significant investors came to the Crimea.

Experts predict that one of the possible option for the development of the Crimea as SEZ could be the creation of our "Silicon Valley", i.e. connection of the tourist center and the center of high-tech development. Given that the world experience shows the effectiveness of such mergers, as an example, the Silicon Valley in the U.S. and Azure Coast in France.

Furthermore the Crimea can serve as an excellent model for the development of other territories and the introduction of new model of development in general, targeted not at the resource sector of the economy, but at the development of innovative technologies and industry.

Joining the Crimea and Sevastopol is definitely an event went down in history, but it will take much time to assess its economic impact fully. First we need to complete the transition period, the ending of which will be able to clarify which industries require priority development. Also it is very important to develop the region not in isolation but as part of the entire Russian Black Sea coast. Only with informed decisions by the country's leadership and the choice of the correct development strategy in the region, the Crimea could become an impulse of general economic growth.