Since July 1, 2017 restrictions when performing municipal control are imposed by the Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On protection of rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when performing government control (supervision) and municipal control» and the Federal Law «On strategic planning in the RF» of 03.07.2016 №277-FL.
It is provided by the Law that the functionaries performing municipal control are not entitled to:
- - ask from economic entities documents or information (including permission documentation) that is already available in the government or self-governing authorities and subordinate organizations. The list of these organizations is defined by the Government of the RF;
- - ask from economic entities documents or information before inspection starts.
Acquisition of such documentation before inspection is possible only under the information interaction between departments.
Functionaries of a supervisory authority are not entitled to control the fulfilment of prescriptions of regulatory documents that are not provided to mandatory application according to the Russian legislation.
Besides, it is provided by the law when performing planned investigation to use check lists that must be developed by all the government or municipal supervisory authorities in accordance with general requirements of the Government of the RF. Answers to the questions of the check lists should let make a firm conclusion about compliance of an examined organization or an individual entrepreneur to the mandatory requirements that are subject of obligatory inspection.
In cases of planned inspections by several supervisory authorities at once, check lists also can be used.
Filled check lists are obligatorily applied to the inspection acts.
The subscribers of the Information and Analytical system Globas can learn about planned inspections in relation to themselves or their contractors by looking the company report section «Inspection`s plan of supervisory authorities».
In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law №209-FZ «On the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian Federation» from 24.07.2007 joint-stock companies, as well as other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can independently record additional information about themselves into the Unified Register of small and medium-sized enterprises (Register of SMEs). This largely facilitates finding contractors for customers. Following information can be added to the Register of SMEs: about output and provided services, experience in the execution of contract operations, participation in partner programs, as well as contact information (e-mail and website, telephone).
The Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS of the RF), which is authorized to maintain the Register of SMEs, recorded the information into it on joint stock companies that meet the requirements for the share in capital, the average number of employees and the income from entrepreneurial activity for the previous calendar year. As a reminder, the main criteria of the referring to subjects of SMEs, established by the Government of the RF and being in force in 2017:
Category of the subject of SMEs | Volume of revenue over a year net of VAT, mln RUB | Average number of employees |
Micro-sized enterprise | 120 | up to 15 |
Small-sized enterprise | 800 | up to 100 |
Medium-sized enterprise | 2000 | up to 250 |
At the moment the Register of SMEs is formed from data available in the FTS of Russia as of July 1, 2017. Information in the register is also received from the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, from authorized organizations such as Skolkovo Foundation, the Moscow Stock Exchange and 35 holders of shareholders' registers of joint-stock companies.
As of September 10, 2017, in total 5 695 609 subjects were registered in the Register of SMEs, including micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (Picture 1)

The largest number of the subjects of SMEs is located in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Picture 2).

Subscribers of the Information and analytical system Globas have the opportunity to check their counterparts for their belonging to subjects of SMEs.