Debt to assets ratio of small wholesale companies

Information agency Credinform has prepared a ranking of Russian small companies in wholesale trade. Russian small companies that are wholesalers and are included in the Register of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Federal Tax Service, and have the largest annual revenue (TOP-10) were selected for the ranking, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available accounting periods (2015 - 2017). Then they were ranked by debt to assets ratio (Table 1). The analysis was based on the data from the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Debt to assets ratio indicates the share of the company’s assets being financed by loans. Normal value of the ratio is from 0.2 to 0.5.

Sales revenue and net profit demonstrate a company’s size and its business efficiency, and debt to solvency ratio indicates the risk of insolvency. It is particularly important to consider the structure of liabilities: both current and non-current. Long-term projects are not to be financed by short-term loans that are due less than in 12 months. Unforeseen conditions may have a great impact on a company’s solvency.

In 2017, almost two-thirds of the companies had a debt to assets ratio that is above the average industry one. It characterizes the wholesale industry as a one that is more dependent on external funds.

The indicators and financial ratios under consideration, as well as their change, are to be considered to get a full and comprehensive vision of the financial standing of the sector companies. See the TOP-10 companies ranking below (Table 1).

Table 1. Revenue, net profit, debt to assets ratio, solvency index Globas of the largest Russian small wholesale companies (TOP-10)
Name, INN, region Sales revenue, billion RUB Net profit (loss), million RUB Debt to assets ratio Solvency index Globas
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
INN 2466127447
Krasnoyarsk territory
up2,95 up2,97 down207,0 down173,6 down0,74 up0,52 236 Strong
INN 7804069580
Leningrad region
up44,92 down38,86 down3604 up8242 up0,69 up0,65 196 Наивысший
INN 3802011429
Irkutsk region
down4,76 up5,19 up17,6 up30,0 down0,78 down0,80 252 Medium
INN 4706015503
Saint Petersburg
down8,46 down6,40 up24,7 up86,3 up0,93 up0,89 201 Strong
INN 6319152954
Samara region
up2,13 up2,18 up13,4 down5,1 up0,88 down0,92 246 Strong
INN 6319712412
Samara region
up2,16 up2,28 up19,0 down7,3 down0,88 down0,94 267 Medium
INN 9721073146
up4,73 up6,31 up31,3 up82,5 up0,97 up0,96 291 Medium
INN 6319179280
Samara region
up1,40 up3,40 up6,3 up6,7 down0,94 down0,96 275 Medium
INN 7730550987
down4,78 down3,86 down5,9 up6,4 up0,95 down0,97 249 Strong
INN 7814720226
Saint Petersburg
down2,20 up2,33 down2,2 up4,7 down0,979 up0,976 257 Medium
Total for TOP-10 companies up78,50 down73,80 up3931 up8645    
Average value for TOP-10 companies up7,85 down7,38 down393 up864 down0,87 up0,86
Industry average value up0,122 up0,125 up4 down2 up0,73 up0,73

Up — improvement compared to prior period, Up — decline compared to prior period.

In 2017 seven of TOP-10 companies improved their sales revenue, and seven companies had a higher net profit. Average sales revenue of TOP-10 companies declined, and debt to assets ratio stayed the same.

Picture 1. Debt to assets ratio and revenue of the largest Russian small wholesale companies (TOP-10) Picture 1. Debt to assets ratio and revenue of the largest Russian small wholesale companies (TOP-10)

In 2017 43% of total industry revenue belonged to the companies from the Central Federal District (Picture 2). Moscow and St. Petersburg have 26.2 and 11.4% of total revenue respectively. Moscow is also leading at assets and liabilities volume that are 29.6 and 28.9% respectively. TOP-5 regions by revenue of small companies in wholesale trade are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Leningrad region and Novosibirsk region. The same is regarding debt to assets ratio. This indicates that central regions of Russia are attractive for small businesses.

Picture 2. Regions by their share in total revenue of 2017 Picture 2. Regions by their share in total revenue of 2017

During the decade average debt to assets ratio clearly tends to grow (Picture 3). The growth peaked in 2014. The last 3 years showed a gradual decline in debt to assets ratio. In general, the sector needs time to get to the same level as 8 years ago.

Picture 3. Change of average industry values of debt to assets ratio in 2008 – 2017 Picture 3. Change of average industry values of debt to assets ratio in 2008 – 2017
Trends in waste disposal

Information agency Credinform has observed trends in the activity of the largest Russian enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste. Companies with the largest volume of annual revenue (TOP-10 and TOP-1000), were selected for the analysis, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available periods (for 2015-2017). The analysis was made on the basis of the data of the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Net assets - indicator, reflecting the real value of company's property, is calculated annually as the difference between assets on the enterprise balance and its debt obligations. The indicator of net assets is considered negative (insufficiency of property), if company’s debt exceeds the value of its property.

Table 1. The largest Russian enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste with the largest and smallest amount of net assets in 2015 - 2017
№ in TOP-1000,
name, INN, region, main type of activity
Net assets value, mln RUB Solvency index Globas
2015 2016 2017
1 2 3 4 5
INN 7706043312 Moscow
Waste collection
6383 up6416 up7622 299 Medium
INN 7725727149 Moscow
Processing and disposal of non-hazardous waste
-323 up2650 up3645 269 Medium
INN 6418001160 Saratov region
Waste collection
4011 down3875 down3570 290 Medium
INN 7812021254 Saint-Petersburg
Waste collection
2854 down2751 down2723 217 Strong
5 SUE SIA Radon
INN 7704009700 Moscow
Waste collection
3009 up3351 down2317 259 Medium
INN 1655041708 The Republic of Tatarstan
Waste collection
20 up21 down-126 316 Adequate
997 JSC Special Facility for Disposal
INN 2320189736 Krasnodar region
Waste collection
-243 up-242 up-242 293 Medium
INN 3426013572 Volgograd region
Waste collection
-155 down-226 down-303 322 Adequate
999 LLC EVN-Ekotechprom MSZ 3
INN 7737520364 Moscow
Waste collection
22 down-516 down-678 323 Adequate
1000 JSC Concel
INN 7735093237 Moscow
Disposal of sorted waste
-2211 up-2116 down-2123 276 Medium

Up — growth of the indicator to the previous period, Up — decline of the indicator to the previous period.

For ten years average amounts of net assets of TOP-1000 companies have increasing tendency (Picture 1).

Picture 1. Change in TOP-1000 average indicators of the net assets amount of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 1. Change in TOP-1000 average indicators of the net assets amount of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Share of companies with insufficiency of property among TOP-1000 for the last three years tends to increase (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Share of companies with negative value of net assets amount in TOP-1000 in 2015 – 2017 Picture 2. Share of companies with negative value of net assets amount in TOP-1000 in 2015 – 2017

Sales revenue
The revenue of 10 leaders of the industry made 19% of the total revenue of TOP-1000 companies in 2017(Picture 3). It demonstrates relatively high level of competition.

Picture 3. Shares of participation of TOP-10 companies in the total revenue of TOP-1000 companies for 2017 Picture 3. Shares of participation of TOP-10 companies in the total revenue of TOP-1000 companies for 2017

In general, a decrease of indicators of average revenue volume is observed (Picture 4).

Picture 4. Change in the average revenue of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 4. Change in the average revenue of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Profit and losses
The profit volume of 10 leading enterprises in 2017 made 25% of the total profit of TOP-1000 companies (Picture 5).

Picture 5. Share of participation of TOP-10 companies in the total volume of profit of TOP-1000 companies for 2017 Picture 5. Share of participation of TOP-10 companies in the total volume of profit of TOP-1000 companies for 2017

Over a ten-year period, the average values of profit indicators of TOP-1000 companies tend to increase (Picture 6).

Picture 6. Change in the average indicators of net profit of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 6. Change in the average indicators of net profit of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Over the three-year period average values of net profit indicators of TOP-1000 companies have increasing tendency, besides, average amount of net loss is increasing. (Picture 6).

Picture 7. Change in the average indicators of profit and loss of TOP-1000 companies in 2015 – 2017 Picture 7. Change in the average indicators of profit and loss of TOP-1000 companies in 2015 – 2017

Key financial ratios

Over the ten-year period the average indicators of the current liquidity ratio were above the range of recommended values – from 1,0 up to 2,0 with increasing tendency (Picture 8).

The current liquidity ratio (the relation of the amount of current assets to short-term liabilities) shows the sufficiency of company’s funds for repayment of its short-term liabilities.

Picture 8. Change in the industry values of the current liquidity ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 8. Change in the industry values of the current liquidity ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Increasing tendency in the indicators of the return on investments ratio has been observed for ten years. (Picture 9)

The ratio is calculated as the relation of net profit to the sum of own capital and long-term liabilities and demonstrates the return on the equity involved in the commercial activity of own capital and the long-term borrowed funds of an organization.

Picture 9. Change in the average values of the return on investments ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 9. Change in the average values of the return on investments ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Asset turnover ratio is calculated as the relation of sales revenue to the average value of total assets for a period and characterizes the efficiency of use of all available resources, regardless of the sources of their attraction. The ratio shows how many times a year a complete cycle of production and circulation is made, yielding profit.

This business activity ratio showed a tendency to decrease for ten-year period (Picture 10).

Picture 10. Change in the average values of the asset turnover ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017 Picture 10. Change in the average values of the asset turnover ratio of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2008 – 2017

Production structure
The largest share in the total revenue of TOP-1000 is owned by companies, specializing in waste collection (Picture 11).

Picture 11. Distribution of companies by types of output in the total revenue of TOP-1000, % Picture 11. Distribution of companies by types of output in the total revenue of TOP-1000, %

76% of TOP-1000 companies are registered in the Register of small and medium enterprises of the Federal Tax Service of the RF. Besides, share of the companies in the total revenue of TOP-1000 amounts to 61% in 2017, that is almost three times exceeds the average indicator (Picture 12).

Picture 12. Shares of small and medium enterprises in TOP-1000 companies, % Picture 12. Shares of small and medium enterprises in TOP-1000 companies, %

Main regions of activities
TOP-1000 companies are unequally distributed on the territory of Russia because of peculiarities of the geographic position and registered in 77 regions. The largest companies in terms of revenue volume are concentrated in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg (Picture 13).

Picture 13. Distribution of revenue of TOP-1000 companies by regions of Russia Picture 13. Distribution of revenue of TOP-1000 companies by regions of Russia

Financial position score
An assessment of the financial position of TOP-1000 companies shows that majority of companies are in an above the average financial position (Picture 14).

Picture 14. Distribution of TOP-1000 companies by financial position score Picture 14. Distribution of TOP-1000 companies by financial position score

Solvency index Globas
Most of TOP-1000 companies have got Medium Solvency index Globas, points to their ability to repay their debts in time and fully (Picture 15).

Picture 15. Distribution of TOP-1000 companies by solvency index  Globas Picture 15. Distribution of TOP-1000 companies by solvency index Globas

Industrial production index
According to the data from the Federal State Statistics Service, during 12 months of 2018 increasing tendency for the industrial production index of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste is observed (Picture 16).

Picture 16. Industrial production index of manufacture of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2017 – 2018, month to month (%) Picture 16. Industrial production index of manufacture of the enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste in 2017 – 2018, month to month (%))

Comprehensive assessment of the activity of largest enterprises engaged in collection, processing and disposal of waste, taking into account the main indexes, financial indicators and ratios, demonstrates the presence of favorable trends (Table 2)

Table 2. Positive and negative trends, assessment factors of the industry
Trends and assessment factors Share of factor, %
Rate of increase (decrease) of average amount of net assets up10
Increase / decrease of share of companies with negative values of net assets down-10
Increase (decrease) rate of average revenue amount down-10
Rate of competition / monopolization up10
Increase (decrease) rate of average net profit (loss) amount up10
Increase / decrease of average net profit amount of TOP-1000 companies up10
Increase / decrease of average net loss amount of TOP-1000 companies down-10
Increase / decrease of average industrial values of the current liquidity ratio up5
Increase / decrease of average industrial values of the return on investments ratio up10
Increase / decrease of average industrial values of the assets turnover ratio, times down-10
Share of small and medium enterprises in the industry in terms of revenue volume more than 22% up10
Regional concentration up5
Financial position (major share) up10
Solvency index Globas (major share) up10
Industrial production index up10
Average value of factors up4,0

Up — positive trend (factor) , Up — negative trend (factor).