Loan security in the shipbuilding industry

Information agency Credinform has prepared a ranking of the largest Russian shipbuilding enterprises. The largest enterprises (TOP-10) in terms of annual revenue were selected according to the data from the Statistical Register for the available periods (2015-2017). Then the companies were ranged by loan protection factor (Table 1). The analysis was based on the data from the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Loan protection factor (x) is the ratio of pre-tax earnings and loan interest to the sum of interest payable. It characterizes the security level of creditors from non-payment of interest for the granted loan and shows how many times during the reporting period the company earned means to pay the interest on loans.

The recommended value is >1. No indicator value indicates that the company does not have borrowed funds, therefore, no interest payable to creditors. However, it may not alsways be the evidence of general well-being as credit resources are necessary for successful business growth.

For the most full and fair opinion about the company’s financial position the whole set of financial indicators and ratios should be taken into account.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, loan protection factor, solvency index Globas of the largest Russian shipbuilding enterprises (TOP-10))
Name, INN, region Revenue, million RUB Net profit (loss), million RUB Loan protection factor (x), >1 Solvency index Globas
2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
JSC PO Sevmash
INN 2902059091 Arkhangelsk region
up74274 up88787 up107392 down5720 up8892 down6616 down2,37 up180,64 down101,71 193 High
Baltic Shipyard JSC
INN 7830001910 Saint Petersburg
up328 up9666 up25584 up-130 up2676 down-1032 up-0,92 up14,78 down0,12 262 Medium
JSC Admiralty Shipyard
INN 7839395419 Saint Petersburg
down44926 down27084 up41023 down5194 down2712 up2952 up9,36 down5,31 down5,01 195 High
JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky
INN 1648013442 Republic of Tatarstan
up12690 up32135 down25007 up8 up91 down15 up0,95 up1,42 down0,98 231 Strong
INN 4706000296 Leningrad region
down4327 up13701 down12653 up-626 up240 up348 up0,12 up1,17 up1,37 194 High
INN 4704012874 Leningrad region
up5392 up11766 down7947 up-1089 up12 down-546 down-4,38 up1,15 down-0,86 254 Medium
INN 7838395215 Saint Petersburg
up48613 down44758 up61996 down585 down207 up295 down1,12 down0,95 down0,85 242 Strong
INN 2703000015 Khabarovsk region
down5421 up11539 down11383 down-8008 up-1633 down-3681 down-8,88 up-0,07 down-2,48 279 Medium
INN 7805034277 Saint Petersburg
down13601 up19177 down17700 down-1835 up-1651 down-3200 up0,31 down-0,66 down-7,81 255 Medium
JSC Shipyard Yantar
INN 3900000111 Kaliningrad region
down12182 down9478 up14266 down403 up422 down83 up2,49 down-277,21 up7,96 243 Strong
Total for TOP-10 companies up221754 up268091 up324951 down222 up11968 down1850    
Average value for TOP-10 companies up22175 up26809 up32495 down22 up1197 down185 up0,26 down-7,25 up10,09
Average industry value up2844 up7618   up20 up301   down1,21 up2,00  

(*) 2018 data is for the reference

Up growth of indicator in comparison with prior period, Down decline of indicator in comparison with prior period.

Average value of loan protection factor for TOP-10 companies is lower than 2017 average industry value. In 2018 only one company improved the result.

Picture 1. Loan protection factor and revenue of the largest Russian shipbuilding enterprises (ТОP-10) Picture 1. Loan protection factor and revenue of the largest Russian shipbuilding enterprises (ТОP-10)

Within 10 years, the average industry indicators of the loan protection factor showed the growing tendency. (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Change in average industry values of the loan protection factor of the Russian shipbuilding enterprises in 2008 – 2017 Picture 2. Change in average industry values of the loan protection factor of the Russian shipbuilding enterprises in 2008 – 2017
List of professional participants of the foreign trad

There will be an official list of professional participants of the foreign trade in Russia. This is the subject of an Action plan to accredit the Single Window information system developed by the Russian export center as the federal state information system. The Action plan was approved by the Government decree No. 1661-p from July 26, 2019.

The plan provides, inter alia, for the development of two draft laws:

1) the law establishing the legal status of the Single Window information system as the federal state information source to ensure online interactions of participants of the foreign economic activity with public authorities, foreign exchange control bodies and other organizations.

This will allow to:

  • control over foreign economic activities;
  • provide public and other services;
  • form statistic data in the foreign trade.

2) the law amending the Federal law “On currency regulation and currency control” for the purpose of addition for the Single Window users of the points below:

  • mandatory submission of the authorities and foreign exchange control bodies of confirming electronic data, including documents and data concerning foreign exchange transactions with the posting timeframe depending on the transactions type;
  • remove the obligation to provide hard copies of confirming documents and data on each foreign exchange transaction placed in the Single Window system;
  • providing the option to link payments on foreign contracts with confirming documents and data in accordance with statutory periods and regulations of the Central bank of Russia;
  • providing the option to monitor periods for submission of confirming documents and data to the authorities and foreign exchange control bodies, and to provide information support for participants of the foreign trade.