Net profit ratio of the largest manufacturers of aviation equipment

Information agency Credinform presents a ranking of the largest manufacturers of aviation equipment in terms of net profit ratio.

The largest Russian enterprises (TOP-10) with the highest volume of revenue were selected for this ranking according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (2015). These enterprises were ranked by decrease in net profit ratio. (Table 1).

Net profit ratio (%) is calculated as the ratio of net profit (loss) to sales revenue. The ratio shows sales profit rate of companies.

There is no prescribed value. It is advisable to compare companies within one industry or analyze change of ratio in time on particular enterprise.

Negative value of an indicator shows that there is net loss. Higher value reflects high efficiency of enterprise operation.

For the most full and fair opinion about the company’s financial position the whole set of financial indicators and ratios should be taken into account.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, net profit ratio and solvency index Globas-i of the largest manufacturers of aviation equipment
Name, INN, regionNet profit of 2015, mln RUBRevenue of 2015, mln RUBRevenue of 2015 to 2014, (+/- %)Net profit ratio, %Solvency index Globas-i
INN 7830002462 Saint-Petersburg
2 201,0 7 772,8 16,2 28,32 136
The highest
INN 5262008630 Nizhny Novgorod region
480,4 5 409,3 13,9 8,88 177
The highest
INN 0273008320 The Republic of Bashkortostan
3 577,3 67 511,0 38,1 5,30 199
The highest
INN 7802375335 Saint-Petersburg
484,0 15 211,8 53,8 3,18 200
Joint-stock Company United Engine Corporation
INN 7731644035 Moscow
434,8 28 027,9 25,5 1,55 232
INN 5904007312 Perm territory
63,9 20 699,2 3,3 0,31 226
INN 7610052644 Yaroslavl region
-2 287,4 24 039,0 33,1 -9,52 264
INN 6319033379 Samara region
-1 036,8 10 267,6 2,1 -10,10 282
INN 7714175986 Moscow
-10 788,0 35 396,7 21,9 -30,48 270
INN 7733018650 Moscow
-10 890,7 10 055,1 40,4 -108,31 281

The average net profit ratio among TOP-10 companies in 2015 is marked with negative value and is equal to -11,8. The same indicator among TOP-30 companies is 0,22, at industry average value of 1,22. Besides, dynamics of industry average values (Picture 1) has reference to the macroeconomic situation, while enterprises of the industry to a large extent use the Government assistance.

Industry average values of net profit ratio
Picture 1. Industry average values of net profit ratio

All of TOP-10 companies have got the highest and high solvency index Globas-i that shows their ability to pay off the debts in time and to the full extent.

Net profit ratio and revenue of the largest manufacturers of aviation equipment (TOP-10)
Picture 2. Net profit ratio and revenue of the largest manufacturers of aviation equipment (TOP-10)

Total revenue of TOP-10 companies in 2015 was 224,4 bln RUB that is 27% more than in 2014. Besides, total net loss in this group decreased by 15 %. Seven companies of TOP-10 (marked with red colour in Table 1) have got decrease in net profit values or loss at year-end 2015 compared to the previous period.

In the TOP-30 group increase in revenue for the same period was 23%, with decrease in total net loss by 21%.

Six companies of TOP-10, as in the industry in general, are observed to have positive values of net profit ratio. On the back of economic turbulence, the industry has positive prospects for further development, taking into account constant support from the Government. This is confirmed by estimated indicators of increase in flying vehicles sales revenue (Picture 3), based on data of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Revenue (net) from sale of flying vehicles including space vehicles (less value-added tax, excise duties and other statutory payments) (increase from year to year, %)
Picture 3. Revenue (net) from sale of flying vehicles including space vehicles (less value-added tax, excise duties and other statutory payments) (increase from year to year, %)

*) – data for 6 months of 2016 are given to the corresponding period of 2015.

Manufacture of aviation equipment is significantly attracted to regions with prominent productive and scientific potential – Moscow and Moscow region, Saint-Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions. This is confirmed by data of the Information and analytical system Globas-i, according to that 30 largest enterprise of the industry in terms of revenue volume for 2015 are concentrated in 12 regions of Russia (Picture 4).

Regional distribution of 30 largest enterprises on manufacture of aviation equipment
Picture 4. Regional distribution of 30 largest enterprises on manufacture of aviation equipment
Terms of use of public information put online in the form of open data

On September 19, 2016 the Government Commission for the Coordination of open government activities approved new Typical conditions for the use of public information put in the information and telecommunication network Internet in the form of open data.

According to the document, open data is the information put online by its owners in order to re-use and in a format suitable for automated processing without any interim changes in the manual mode.

In accordance with the p. 2.1 of the Art. 7 of the Federal Law №8-FZ «On providing access to information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government» dated February 9, 2009 public and local authorities put on the Internet public information on their activities in the form of open data for the use by the general public. There are no restrictions on use in regard to such information and it requires no special agreements or licenses.

In addition, governmental bodies, that put public data on the Internet, should ensure their reliability, actuality and general availability. Open data should not apply to information classified as state secret, and their use should not violate the rights of third parties.

Users can not be limited to the right to use open data for commercial and non-commercial purposes and are free to search, receive, transmit and distribute open data. However, users are obliged to operate with open data exclusively for purposes not being contrary to the legislation, and also refer to source of open data.

At the present time the backbone element of country's open data is the Portal of open data of the Russian Federation. The operator of the Portal is the Ministry of Economic Development. The portal is focused on actual information about open data of the federal authorities, bodies of regional and local authorities and other organizations. Among this information are: documented data sets, links and meta data sets, information about software products and information services founded on the basis of published data. As of December 2, 2016 the portal contained 11176 sets of open data. However, their number continues to increase due to regional authorities. Only in the third quarter of 2016 16 regions placed their open data for the first time. The demand for data, which are used in the development of new services created for the population and business, continues to grow. The amount of downloads of data sets has increased by 1,4 times compared to the first quarter of 2016. According to the number of published data sets the leaders are Tomsk, Novgorod, Tula, Yaroslavl and Amur regions. From federal agencies, based on the results of third quarter of 2016, among the leaders are the Department of Energy, Economic Development, Culture, the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Foreign experience shows that open data allow all interested developers to create services in the Internet, and the state - to stimulate the development of modern IT-business and improve instruments of public control over the activity of the supervisory authorities as one of the most important directions of improvement of the business climate in general.

The information and analytical system Globas-i, intended for bundled information and analytical support of business uses more than 100 official sources of information, including also open data.