Economy supporting measures by the President

The President of Russia have proposed the package of measures to overcome COVID-19 consequences.

The following measures are to support economy and business:

Measure Target
Deferral of payments on all taxes except VAT up to 6 months. Small, medium-sized and microenterprises
Deferral of payments on insurance premiums to social funds up to 6 months. Microenterprises
Permanent reduction of insurance premiums rate from 30% to 15% for salaries in excess of the minimum wage. In case of maintaining a salary of less than the minimum wage, the insurance premiums rate remains at 30%. Small and medium-sized enterprises
Deferral of payment on loans up to 6 months. Small, medium-sized and microenterprises
Providing state guarantees and subsidies. Enterprises of the real sector of economy
Moratorium on filing creditors' applications for bankruptcy of companies and collection of debts and fines within 6 months. Companies in sectors most affected by the epidemic
Taxation of 13% of income (interest on investments) on bank deposits and investments with a total amount exceeding 1 million RUB. Citizens of Russia
Increase of tax rate up to 15% on incomes transferred to foreign accounts.
Adjustment of double taxation agreements with foreign countries. Russia's unilateral withdrawal from agreements, in case of disagreement of foreign partners with such a proposal.
Monitoring of the situation by the Government of the Russian Federation in order to determine the need to expand and adjust the list of industries in need of support.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of implementing a collateral-free lending to small businesses through Sberbank and VTB with subsidized rates of up to 0%. This measure involves the repayment of borrowed funds within 6 months.

Net profit in sale of construction materials

Information agency Credinform presents a ranking of the largest Russian wholesalers of construction materials. The enterprises with the highest volume of revenue (TOP-10) were selected for the ranking, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available accounting periods (2016-2018), performing wholesale of timber, construction materials and sanitary equipment. Then they were ranked by decrease in net profit ratio (Table 1). The analysis was made on the basis of the data of the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Net profit ratio (%) is calculated as a relation of net profit (loss) to sales revenue and shows sales profit rate.

There is no prescribed value for this ratio. It is recommended to compare companies within one industry or change of the ratio with time for the particular enterprise. Negative value of the indicator shows net loss. High value of the indicator demonstrates efficient work of an enterprise.

For getting of the most comprehensive and fair picture of the financial standing of an enterprise it is necessary to pay attention to all available combination of financial indicators and ratios.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, net profit ratio, solvency index Globas of the largest Russian wholesalers of construction materials (TOP-10)
Name, INN, region Revenue, million RUB Net profit (loss), million RUB Net profit ratio, % Solvency index Globas
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
INN 7716614075 Moscow
up19851,5 up22038,8 down3234,2 down2593,5 down16,29 down11,77 229 Strong
INN 7802348846 Saint Petersburg
up37086,8 up48505,2 up1485,7 up2104,0 down4,01 up4,34 187 High
TB Standart Company LTD
INN 5835029697 Penza region
up7594,4 up10331,6 up203,2 up369,3 up2,68 up3,57 224 Strong
INN 7736192449 Moscow region
up13074,8 up14540,2 up449,7 down391,8 up3,44 down2,69 202 Strong
INN 7713634570 Moscow
up9839,8 up9909,2 up333,6 down259,9 up3,39 down2,62 209 Strong
INN 7726044240 Altai territory
down22630,4 up31802,8 down752,4 down637,7 down3,32 down2,01 207 Strong
INN 7727115649 Moscow
up22502,7 down22113,1 down0,0 up385,8 down0,00 up1,74 182 High
INN 7118818033 Novosibirsk region
up13893,3 up15096,7 up58,4 up169,5 up0,42 up1,12 212 Strong
INN 2315171300 Moscow
up10172,8 up11771,1 up39,7 up60,4 up0,39 up0,54 228 Strong
INN 7704602692 Moscow
up7564,8 up9402,2 up4,5 up20,7 down0,06 up0,22 222 Strong
Average value by TOP-10 companies up16421,1 up19551,1 up656,1 up699,3 down3,40 down3,06  
Industry average value down52,0 up53,8 down0,8 up1,0 down1,46 up1,93  

Up growth of indicator to the previous period, Down decrease of indicator to the previous period

The average indicator of the net profit ratio of TOP-10 companies is above the industry average value. Six companies have improved their results in 2018.

Picture 1. Net profit ratio and revenue of the largest Russian wholesalers of construction materials (TOP-10) Picture 1. Net profit ratio and revenue of the largest Russian wholesalers of construction materials (TOP-10)

During 10 years average industrial values of the net profit ratio have increasing trend. (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Change in the average indicators of profit of the Russian wholesalers of construction materials in 2009 – 2018 Picture 2. Change in the average indicators of profit of the Russian wholesalers of construction materials in 2009 – 2018