Changes in state registration procedure of legal entities

By the Federal Law as of 30.03.2015 N 67-FL “On introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the RF in terms reliability of data filed under the state registration of legal entities and sole entrepreneurs” the amendments are inserted to the Criminal Code of the RF, Administrative Violations Code of RF, Fundamental Principles of the Legislation of the RF on the Notaries, Federal Laws “On limited liabilities companies”, “On state registration of legal entities and sole entrepreneurs”.

The made adjustments will significantly influence on the day-to-day operations of business entities.

On the whole, the amendments are designed to tighten the control of the firms incorporated by dummy entities. It is referred to figure-head managers which occupy the position on paper only. They don’t take part in administration of the company. After the introduction of amendments, making any entries on dummy entities into Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL) is now criminally liable. Delivery and appropriation of documents for incorporation through a counterfeit is treated as a crime apart from comprehending the consequences of the further use of this legal entity.

The verification procedure of add-in or already contained in EGRUL data will be introduced starting January 1, 2016. Corresponding examination will be initiated by reasonable distrust of registration authority in its verification, including delivery of protests of concerned parties in reference to the future amendments registration. In such cases the termination of registration proceedings for less than 1 month is provided.

The general reason for abandon of registration will be failure to follow the procedure of liquidation or reorganization of legal entities or other statutory requirements, set by regulation of the RF for state registration.

Moreover the registration authority is authorized to make entries concerning unreliable data about legal entity by itself excluding notification of legal entity and performance of judicial act.

Change of legal address will put dishonest entrepreneurs to certain troubles. The registration of the new address will be carried out by the Federal Tax Service Inspection at the new place of company’s registration and upon prior notice. Introducing of changes in location of the legal entity will be possible in 20 days from the date of making corresponding entry in EGRUL. In such a case it will be necessary to represent the decision on change of legal entity location as well as documents giving right to use a real estate item situated at the new address.

From the moment of law coming into effect, i.e. from March 30, 2015 it is possible to make entry on liquidation into EGRUL only after 2 months from the moment of making entry on liquidation process beginning. It is forbidden to make state registration of company’s liquidation before termination of court case on the corresponding claim or before the moment of irreversible decision based on results of field tax inspection.

Besides, it became possible to prosecute administrative investigations against violation of state registration law. In addition, the period of limitation for the institution of proceedings is raised up to 1 year. The possibility to disqualify the violator for the term from 1 to 3 years for delivery of unreliable data to EGRUL or repeated failure to deliver the data is enacted by the Code of Administrative Procedure. Fine at the rate of RUB 5 to 10 thousand is charged for a single violation. Furthermore the shareholders (participants) of legal entities might be held administrative liable.

Customers of Information and Analytical System Globas-i® have an opportunity to control the changes concerning contactors, including their registration documents, with the help of «Monitoring service».

Products cost of enterprises engaged in ornamental horticulture

Information agency Credinform prepared a ranking of companies engaged in ornamental horticulture. Companies with the mentioned activity type and the highest volume of revenue were selected for this ranking according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (for the year 2013). The enterprises of were ranked by decrease in products cost share in the turnover.

The cost price is a cost (expenses) for raw materials, fuel, energy, labor and other. It is an important qualitative indicator reflecting how much the company costs on production and marketing. The lower is the cost price, the higher are profit and profitability. Normative values for this indicator are not specified. For evaluating the effectiveness of cost management, it is necessary to look through the percentage of the cost price in the company's turnover.

Products cost, the cost price share in the turnover and solvency index of the major enterprises engaged in in ornamental horticulture in Russia, Top-10
Name, INNRegionTurnover 2013, mln. RUBProducts cos, mln. RUBCost price share in turnover, (%)Solvency index Globas-i®
1 ООО Kashtanovaya roscha
INN: 5025017037
Moscow region 162, 06 27,00 16,7% 248
(the highest)
2 DLF-TRIFOLIUM Limited Liability Company
INN: 7715833236
Moscow 113,20 68,20 60,3% 269
3 ООО Belaya dacha teplichniy kombinat
INN: 5027228964
Moscow region 233,11 149,66 64,2% 195
(the highest)
4 ООО Torgoviy dom Kedr
INN: 1655178526
the Republic of Tatarstan 113, 30 81,79 72,2% 292
INN: 4026006318
Kaluga region 181, 97 135,26 74,3% 181
(the highest)
6 ООО Tsvety Udmurtii
INN: 1827011427
the Republic of Udmurtia 264,64 208,34 78,7% 184
(the highest)
7 ООО Tsvety Vysokovo
INN: 4414010191
Kostroma region 151,01 130,95 86,7% 240
(the highest)
8 CJSC Pulkovo-Tsvety
INN: 7810081963
Saint-Petersburg 379,70 331,35 87,3% 217
(the highest)
9 ООО Trubachevo
INN: 7014052499
Tomsk region 108,43 100,54 92,7% 262
10 Municipal agricultural decorative enterprise "Gorzelenhoz"
INN: 711026380
the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 167,24 165,65 99,0% 253

The average cost price share in the turnover of the Russian ornamental plant nurseries is 73,20%. That shows high expenses on production and can be an indicator of an outdated industrial base.

ornamental horticulture

Cost of the largest enterprises engaged in production farm goods, Top-10

The Top-4 is presented with the following companies: ООО Kashtanovaya roscha (0.17%), DLF-TRIFOLIUM Limited Liability Company (0,60%), ООО Belaya dacha teplichniy kombinat (0,64%), ООО Torgoviy dom Kedr (0,72%). The companies shown acceptable values of production costs relative to their turnover. This result demonstrates the balanced products cost. The enterprises got high and the highest solvency index Globas-i® in terms of financial and non-financial factors set; that characterizes them as financially stable.

The rest of the Top-10 companies have shown the value of the index above the average (73,20%), that indicates that enterprises of the industry should be more rational in approach to their own costs management to improve competitiveness.