Solvency ratio of the largest Russian meat products manufacturers

Information agency Credinform has prepared a ranking of the largest Russian manufacturers of packaging. The companies with the largest volume of annual revenue (TOP-10) have been selected for the ranking, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available accounting periods (2014 — 2016). Then they have been ranked by solvency ratio (Table 1). The analysis was based on the data from the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Solvency ratio (x) is a ratio of shareholders’ equity to total assets and shows the dependence of the company on external loans. Its recommended value: >0,5. A value less than a minimum one is indicative of a dependence on external sources of funds, which may result in a liquidity crisis, unstable financial standing in the event of economic downturn.

A calculation of practical values of financial ratios, which might be considered as normal for a certain industry, has been developed and implemented in the Information and Analytical system Globas by the experts of the Information Agency Credinform, having taken into account the current situation in the economy as a whole and in the industries.

The practical value of solvency ratio of meat products manufacturers amounted from 0,01 to 0,85 in 2016.

The whole set of indicators and financial ratios is to be considered in order to get a full and comprehensive insight into a company’s financial standing.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, solvency ratio, solvency index Globas of the largest Russian meat products manufacturers (TOP-10)
Name, INN, region Revenue, million RUB Net profit, million RUB Solvency ratio (x) Solvency index Globas
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ostankinsky Meat-Processing Plant PJSC
INN 7715034360
36 764 Up 39 569 812 Up 928 0,85 Up 0,93 216 Strong
INN 4003037662
Kaluga region
9 619 Up 11 171 485 Up 803 0,77 Up 0,87 208 Strong
Mikoyanovsky Meat Factory NJSC
INN 7722169626
12 301 Up 12 454 135 Up 155 0,40 Up 0,46 173 High
Starodvorskie sausages NJSC
INN 3328426780
Vladimir region
15 197 Up 16 507 644 Up 307 0,25 0,25 231 Strong
Atyashevsky Meat Processing Plant LLC
INN 1303066789
Republic of Mordovia
11 503 Up 12 556 149 Up 250 0,14 Up 0,16 214 Strong
Poultry Factory LLC
INN 2631029799
Stavropol territory
11 733 Up 11 613 69 Up 95 0,09 Up 0,10 242 Strong
Agro-Belogorie Meat Processing Plant LLC
INN 3123183960
Belgorod region
17 480 Up 15 675 -11 Up 55 0,01 Up 0,02 248 Strong
Belaya Ptica-Kursk LLC
INN 4604006115
Kursk region
10 696 Up 11 424 -27 Up 29 0,00 Up 0,01 276 Medium
Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant NJSC
INN 7718013714
29 953 Up 32 430 -881 Up -1 759 0,10 Up -0,08 288 Medium
Velikoluksky Meat Plant PJSC
INN 6025009824
Pskov region
15 737 Up 17 250 -1 105 Up 807 -0,36 Up -0,29 240 Strong
Total for TOP-10 companies 172 998 Up 182 665 2 285 Up 3 686      
Average value for TOP-10 companies 17 300 Up 18 267 229 Up 369 0,23 Up 0,24  
Average industry value 205 Up 211 2 2 0,14 Up 0,21  

Average value of solvency ratio for TOP-10 companies is above the recommended values. Two of TOP-10 companies a solvency ratio above the recommended, and two companies have a negative ratio value.

Picture 1. Solvency ratio and revenue of the largest Russian meat products manufacturers (TOP-10) Picture 1. Solvency ratio and revenue of the largest Russian meat products manufacturers (TOP-10)

Average industry values of solvency ratio tend to decrease within the last decrease (Picture 2). This is indicative of a high dependence of meat processing industry on external loans.

Picture 2. Change in average industry values of solvency ratio of the largest Russian manufacturers of meat products in 2007 — 2016 Picture 2. Change in average industry values of solvency ratio of the largest Russian manufacturers of meat products in 2007 — 2016
Banks will know their customers better

Through the Federal law from 07.08.2001 № 115-FL «On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds received by criminal way and terrorism financing», credit institutions will receive data on accounts of companies and individual entrepreneurs in third party banks in the forthcoming summer. This data will be provided by the Federal Tax Service (FTS) through the system of interdepartmental online interactions on a round-the-clock basis.

Such kind of data is necessary for credit institutions at companies check in accordance with Art. 7 «Rights and obligations of organizations engaged in cash transactions» of the mentioned Federal law, as well as at shell companies identification and assessment of would-be borrowers at lending.

For example, information about accounts in other banks may indicate the fact of company’s virtual operating. This is one of the signs of trustworthiness. According to the experts, transparentizing of clients’ activity to banks can accelerate the opening of accounts, consideration of applications for credit and upgrading the outstanding credits monitoring.

In the future, increased competition on the corporate funds market will probably take place.

For reference
According to the Central Bank of RF, the volume of loans, deposits and other placed funds granted to organizations, individuals and banks in roubles is ever-increasing (Picture 1).

Picture 1. Loans, deposits and other placed funds granted to organizations, individuals and credit institutions for 2010 — 2017 Picture 1. Loans, deposits and other placed funds granted to organizations, individuals and credit institutions for 2010 — 2017

Users of the Information and Analytical system Globas have a possibility to get acquainted with activity of all bank and non-bank credit institutions and their branches with active licenses. Information about all credit institutions with revoked licenses and their branches is also available.