Electric equipment manufacturers in Samara

Performance evaluation of liabilities to assets ratio of the largest electric equipment and electronics manufacturers in Samara in 2020 indicates the extra debt load of the enterprises and it can worsen stability of their financial position.

Information agency Credinform selected for this ranking companies with the largest volume of annual revenue according to the data from the Statistical Register and the Federal Tax Service for the latest available periods (2018 - 2020). These companies manufacture computers, peripheral units, communication tools and similar electronic products, and also applications that produce, split and use electric power (TOP 10 and TOP 100). They were ranked by liabilities to assets ratio (Table 1).The selection and analysis were based on the data of the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Liabilities to assets ratio shows the share of assets financed by loans. The standard value for this ratio is from 0.2 to 0.5

Sales revenue and net profit show the scale of the company and the efficiency of its business, and the liabilities to assets ratio indicates the risk of insolvency of the company.

Exceeding the upper standard value indicates excessive debt load, which can stimulate development, but negatively affects the stability of the financial position. If the value is below the standard value, this may indicate a conservative strategy of financial management and excessive caution in attracting new borrowed funds.

For the most complete and objective view of the financial condition of the enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the complex of indicators and financial ratios of the company.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, liabilities to assets ratio, solvency index Globas of electric equipment and electronics manufacturers in Samara (TOP 10)
Name, INN, type of activity Revenue, million RUB. Net profit (loss), million RUB. Liabilities to assets ratio (x), from 0,2 to 0,5 Solvency index Globas
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
INN 6315597656
Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus
down1 871,8 down1 315,2 down-0,8 up14,1 up0,99 down0,95 260 Medium
INN 6314042860
Manufacture of other electrical equipment
up285,5 up397,9 up17,6 down10,3 down0,89 down0,87 265 Medium
INN 6313009980
Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers, except repair
up10 861,8 down1 234,9 up-1 671,2 up-538,6 down0,78 down0,61 289 Medium
INN 6311012176
Manufacture of other devices, sensors, equipment and tools for measuring, control and testing
up1 833,3 down1 792,2 up222,2 down165,4 down0,59 down0,49 152 Superior
INN 6318100022
Manufacture of wiring devices
down1 187,1 down1 252,6 down76,3 up110,1 up0,49 down0,48 180 High
INN 6315506610
Manufacture of automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus
up931,5 up1 583,4 up10,1 down7,7 up0,57 down0,48 194 High
INN 6311007747
Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation
up1 836,3 down932,5 up536,1 down131,8 down0,53 down0,46 219 Strong
INN 6318101450
Manufacture of other wires and cables for electronic and electric equipment
up5 868,6 down5 538,8 up182,0 up223,4 down0,44 down0,40 174 Superior
INN 6330013048
Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation
down549,3 down399,2 down28,3 down5,3 down0,29 up0,32 248 Strong
INN 6318149028
Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation
up305,6 up404,4 down27,9 up48,3 down0,15 down0,11 192 High
Average value for TOP 10 companies up2 553,1 down1 485,1 up-57,1 up17,8 down0,57 up0,52  
Average value for TOP 100 companies down308,6 down293,4 up-3,1 up3,6 down0,65 up0,83

вверх improvement compared to prior period, вниз decline compared to prior period

Indicators of six companies show liabilities to assets ratio within the standard value. However, average values of TOP 10 and Top 100 in 2020 is above the standard value.

Moreover, in 2020 three companies of TOP 10 increased the revenue and five companies gained the net profit. The revenue of TOP 10 fell at average 42% and TOP 100 at 5%. The average net profit of TOP 10 and TOP 100 increased more than 2 times.

In general, during last 5 years, the average industry values of liabilities to assets ratio were constantly decreasing toward reaching the interval of the standard value. (Picture 1).

Picture 1. Change in the industry average values of the liabilities to assets ratio of the electric equipment and electronics manufacturers in 2016 – 2020. Picture 1. Change in the industry average values of the liabilities to assets ratio of the electric equipment and electronics manufacturers in 2016 – 2020.
Legislation amendments

August 25, 2021 came in force the Federal Law No. 143-FZ dated 26.05.2021. We reported about the enactment in our notice dated 24.06.2021.

This Law amended the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" and the Article 80 of the Fundamental Principles of Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Notaries.

According to the new rules the notaries who certified the authenticity of signatures on applications for state registration of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs are required to send independently on the same day the necessary information to the registration authorities in electronic form with a strengthened qualified signature.

Moreover location of the applicants or availability of a personal strengthened qualified signature does not matter.

These rules do not apply to certain types of legal entities whose registration requires special procedure by legislation.

The users of the Information and Analytical system Globas have access to the full, relevant and up-to-date information about more than 7 thousand notaries and notary chambers (including inactive).