Starting January 1st, 2016 the Federal Law of the Russian Federation as of December 14th, 2015 “Concerning insurance tariffs on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses for 2016” will come into force.
Short text of the law consisting of 3 articles entrenches the established rules of payment and application of current tariffs of insurance contributions on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses. It will correspond to the Federal law as of December 22nd, 2005 №179-FZ “On insurance tariffs on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses for 2006” as it is stated in the law. Thus 32 insurance tariffs from 0,2% to 8,5% will remain in accordance with the types of economic activity and class of occupational risk.
Sole entrepreneurs will be given the existing discounts on payments to employed disabled persons of I, II and III groups in an amount of 60% of the fixed measure of insurance tariffs.
According to experts, when the draft law was introduced to the State Duma, its name was a little bit different: “On insurance tariffs on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses for 2016 and planning period of 2017 and 2018”. The bill has already met the government’s approval on October 1st, 2015. However the negative changes in the Russian economy became more dynamic by the end of the year and the state budget was passed only for 2016. Apparently due to this, the maintenance period of insurance tariffs was decreased to 1 year at reasonable rate of insurance burden.
Information agency Credinform prepared a ranking of the largest companies in Russia, mainly specializing in the production and supply of tea and coffee.
The TOP-10 list of enterprises was drawn up for the ranking on the volume of revenue, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (for the year 2014). These enterprises were ranked by increase in turnover. Moreover following data are presented: on the dynamic of revenue related to the previous period, absolute liquidity ratio and solvency index GLOBAS-i (s. Table 1).
Absolute liquidity ratio (%) is the relation of the amount of cash, being at the disposal of a company, to short-term liabilities. It allows to determine the share of short-term liabilities, which an enterprise can pay off in the near future (at once), without waiting for the payment of accounts receivable and sales of other assets. The recommended value is > 0,15. The higher is the indicator the better is the solvency of an enterprise.
On the other hand, too high ratio value may testify to irrational capital structure, out-of-work assets in the form of cash and funds deposited in accounts, that depreciate and lose their initial liquidity in view of time factor and inflation (at the time of their receipt).
For getting of the most comprehensive and fair picture of the financial standing of an enterprise it is necessary to pay attention not only to the level of profitability of investments, but also to all presented combination of financial indicators and company’s ratios.
№ | Name | Region | Revenue, in mln RUB, for 2014 | Revenue increase,% | Absolute liquidity ratio, % | Solvency index GLOBAS-i® |
1 | Orimi LLC INN 4703044256 |
Leningrad region | 26 704 | 18,1 | 0,2 | 203 high |
2 | Shtraus LLC INN 7726584503 |
Vladimir region | 7 538 | 18,8 | 0,0 | 297 high |
3 | Fes Produkt LLC INN 5007049413 |
Moscow region | 5 224 | 23,1 | 0,0 | 262 high |
4 | Kompaniya May LLC INN 5052013232 |
Moscow region | 5 119 | 20,0 | 0,0 | 205 high |
5 | Yakovlevskaya chaerazvesochnaya fabrika LLC INN 5074021100 |
Moscow region | 3 018 | -3,5 | 0,0 | 184 the highest |
6 | Paulig RUS LLC INN 6949003920 |
Tver region | 2 292 | 13,1 | 0,3 | 319 satisfactory |
7 | Chibo SNG LLC INN 7710502329 |
Moscow | 2 053 | -11,3 | 0,1 | 296 high |
8 | Santi LLC INN 7702371288 |
Moscow | 2 000 | -7,4 | 0,1 | 360 satisfactory |
9 | Orimi Treid CJSC INN 7804045886 |
Saint-Petersburg | 1 834 | -69,4 | 0,2 | 213 высокий |
10 | SlavKofe LLC INN 7706514177 |
Moscow | 1 736 | 23,9 | 0,1 | 310 satisfactory |