Information agency Credinform prepared the ranking of the largest asset and securities management companies of Russia.
The organizations with the highest volume of revenue were selected for the ranking according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (for the year 2014). These enterprises were ranked by decrease in net profit ratio.
The net profit ratio (%) is calculated as the relation of net profit (loss) to sales revenue. The ratio shows to what extent the company's sales have been profitable.
There is no specified value for the mentioned ratio that is why it is recommended to compare enterprises of one branch or the time variation of the ratio relative to a certain enterprise. If the indicator is negative, it points to the fact that a company has net loss. The higher is the indicator, the more efficiently the company operates.
For getting of the most comprehensive and fair picture of company’s standing it is necessary to pay attention not only to values of financial ratios, but also to all combination of financial and non-financial data.
Name, INN, region | Revenue for 2014, ths RUB | Revenue for 2014 to 2013, %% | Net profit for 2014, ths RUB | Net profit ratio for 2013, % | Net profit ratio for 2014, % | Solvency index Globas-i® |
177 083 593 | 108 | 11 868 763 | 3,18 | 6,70 | 205 High |
SM KAPITAL LLC INN 7727529262, Moscow region |
81 809 347 | 103 | 1 753 026 | 1,17 | 2,14 | 550 Unsatisfactory |
239 442 646 | 173 | 4 561 163 | 0,37 | 1,90 | 199 The highest |
GOLDMAN SAKS LLC INN 7710619750, Moscow |
149 710 552 | 71 | 227 679 | -0,01 | 0,15 | 298 High |
TREND NJSC INN 7708729065, Moscow |
441 234 425 | 70 | 455 846 | 0,02 | 0,10 | 259 High |
VTB KAPITAL NJSC INN 7703585780, Moscow |
10 909 966 583 | 71 | 8 646 709 | 0,01 | 0,08 | 205 High |
KIT FINANS TREID LLC INN 7840471255, Saint-Petersburg |
461 646 367 | 175 | 96 251 | -0,03 | 0,02 | 312 Satisfactory |
INVEST-STOLITSA LLC INN 7728530221, Moscow |
145 709 932 | 56 | -3 584 | 0,00 | 0,00 | 319 Satisfactory |
ALGORITMINVEST LLC INN 7725840320, Moscow |
93 918 704 | - | 2 313 | - | - | 269 High |
URSA KAPITAL LLC INN 7708636639, Moscow region |
142 494 225 | 31 | -1 272 888 | 0,02 | -0,89 | 328 Satisfactory |
The absolute leader of the TOP-10 in terms of revenue for 2014 - VTB KAPITAL NJSC - is on the 6th place of the ranking. The share of this company in total revenue of TOP-10 made 85%. OTKRYTIE KHOLDING PJSC has the highest net profit ratio 6.7%. For ALGORITMINVEST LLC the ratio value was not calculated due to the fact that the enterprise was established in 2014 and accounting data for the previous period are not available.
The cumulative sales result of TOP-10 companies for 2014 amounted to 12,8 trillion rubles or 73% of the figure for 2013. Herewith the largest relative drop in revenue in 2014 compared to 2013 is observed by URSA KAPITAL LLC. The same company is the only one in the TOP-10 with a negative value of the net profit ratio in 2014.
Seven companies from the TOP-10 are registered in Moscow, that points to a high concentration of business on asset and securities management in one region of the country.
Six companies from the TOP-10 have the highest or high solvency index Globas-i®, that testifies to their ability to pay off their debts in time and fully.
SM KAPITAL LLC has unsatisfactory solvency index Globas-i® due to the presence of a significant number of arbitration proceedings, in which the organization acts as a defendant. In December 2015 the monitoring procedure were introduced in the company according to the decision of the Arbitration Court of Moscow Region.
For reference only:
One of the most important indicators, characterizing the property and financial status of organizations, is the cost of fixed assets (including intangible assets, long-term investments, construction in progress, deferred tax assets etc).
According to Rosstat, in 2010-2014 the value of fixed assets on a circle of Russian organizations, being irrelevant to small businesses, amounted to (thousand rubles):
At the G20 summit in Mexico in June 2012, the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) project to establish a Global LEI System of legal entities (GLEIS), involved in financial transactions was supported. Under this system the legal entity is assigned an international Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Normative regulation of codes assignment and monitoring of the GLEIS system maintenance is entrusted to the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC).
Among the reasons for the creation of GLEIS are:
- the need to ensure transparency in the financial markets;
- ease of search, identification and verification of the counterparty;
- improving the format of data exchange between the participants of financial transactions;
- assessment of possible risks at transactions.
At the first stage, pre-Local operating units (pre-LOU) responsible for the assignment of pre-LEI are created in the countries of the G20. The next step will be the formation of a Central operating unit (COU) for the maintenance and support of GLEIS. By combining the local operating units and COU, the GLEIS system will be created at the final stage. As a result of a single information area formation, pre-LOU codes will receive a permanent status - LOU, and pre-codes assigned by them will become LEI codes.
CJSC National Settlement Depository Non-Banking Credit Organization was granted the official status of the local operational offices in Russia. According to the decision of the International Oversight Committee, from March 1, 2013 CJSC NSD is entitled to provide services for the assignment of pre-LEI. The assigned code is a universal identifier of the legal person and allows performing financial transactions in domestic and international market, particularly in the USA and Europe, as is recognized by all regulators and participants in the system.
According to the notification on the depository’s corporate website, pre-LEI / LEI is assigned to a legal entity only upon request, in accordance with the Rules of provision services for assignment and verification of international identification code of the legal entity. At present, 689 residents of the Russian Federation were assigned pre-LEI.
According to the Information and analytical system Globas-I, 99,99% of CJSC NSD shares belong to JOINT STOCK COMPANY MOSCOW EXCHANGE MICEX-RTS. The depositary has deal with exchange and off- exchange transactions with all types of equity securities of the Russian issuers, provides transactional banking services, maintains depository accounting of 99% of corporate bonds and provides other services.