The government of Russian Federation resorts to economizing measures, as a result of stagnation of industrial production and rise in the budget deficit under increased social expenditures for pre-election promises of the President. The stagnation is observable in the world financial market for several quarters running.
In the preparation of the draft budget for the nearest three years, the Minister of Finance of Russian Federation Anton Siluanov outlined specific steps, focused on encouragement of receipts to budget revenues and its deficit reduction by MET increase and VAT revocation refund for several manufacturing sectors.
It is said that orderly MET increase under simultaneously reducing of export tax on oil and oil products allows getting to budget 35 billion rubles in 2014, 67 billion rubles in 2015 and 72 billion rubles in 2016. Obviously, with such an act the Cabinet intends to refill the budget using excise tax, due to the fact that oil products prime cost will rise with high probability within Russian market. This step is a controversial one, for the appreciation of fuel will perform a price escalation in other economic sectors. It will lead to accelerating the inflation dynamics, the decline of which is declared by the President as a strategic target.
In addition, plans call for cancel of VAT refund for exporters of primary production in wood processing and fishing industries. On the one hand this step aimed to replenish the budget, on the other – it is declared that this measure is focused on encouragement of domestic processing of the primary raw material. But it is also necessary to take into account that many companies stay up by means of privileged export of primary production abroad, considering that domestic buyers offer incomparably smaller price. Is there a chance for wood processing and fishing enterprises to ensure profitability under appreciation of export, or to build manufactures in the country, is questioned. Moreover, due to our recent accession to the WTO, we hit Russian export by these steps.
Thus, we are forced to state that innovating growth of economics and industrial diversification are again being put off indefinitely. It is planned to patch budget holes by means of increase of total tax burden for companies and citizens.
Starting 2013 the number of shady financial transactions in the foreign trade activity exceeded last years index practically by half and according to experts reached 1. 5 trillion rubles. Such deplorable results forced the Central Bank (CB) to create a “black list” of Russian companies, members of foreign trade activity, suspected in illegal withdrawal of money abroad and money laundering. The black list will contain next indices, helping to identify the organization: name, state registration number and tax reference number. The list will be sent to banks by local branches of the CB.
In the letter to banks the CB puts forward some features, which can represent illegal withdrawal of money abroad. For instance, the CB recommends to draw attention to cases when Russian companies close transaction passports on foreign trade contracts and loan agreements due to change of authorized bank. But at the same time they do not appeal to any of the credit organizations. And during the closure of the transaction passport, liabilities to counterparties on the part of non-residents occur to be partly/fully undrawn. According to the CB, in majority of cases corresponding activities of organization show original intentions of the company to withdraw money abroad illegally.
Organizations, put on the black-list, would be divided into two groups. The first group will contain the companies with debts on the part of foreign residents of 80% of total payments under contract. Credit organizations are entitled to refuse to conclude a bank account agreement and to conduct operations with companies from this group. The second group will contain organizations with debts from 20% to 80%. It is recommended to take companies from the second group for the special control. The data about operations of these companies are to be sent to the Federal Service for Fiscal Monitoring.
According to the CB, during 1994-2012 years 11 trillion rubles were withdrawn from Russia. In these operations a key role is played by fly-by-night companies.
The Credinform information agency has worked out its own scheme of revealing fly-by-night companies. With the help of Reliability index, which uses more than 30 various financial and non-financial factors, it is possible to exactly identify a shady company.