Monitoring of small and medium-size enterprises support

Society interest to development of small enterprise in Russia, expressed in mentioning in the mass media, can be described as wave-like line of heavy growth from 1998 to 2002, significant decrease from 2003 to 2006, new increase in 2007 – 2008, fluent decrease from 2009 to 2011 and constant increase from 2012 up to the moment.  

Contribution made by small enterprises to the whole GDP in Russia, according to experts, was 12% in 2004, 17% - in 2008 and in 2015 – about 20%. In countries of the European Union, USA, China this index at average exceeds 50%. Official employment in small and medium enterprise (SME) is more than 17 mln people or about 20% of employable population in Russia.

Analysis of positive experience of developed countries and realizing the fact small enterprises can become one of the main drivers of Russian economy development stimulate the Government to pay attention to this problem. So, if in 2005 funds devoted from the federal budget for the Government support of SME were 1,5 bln RUB, in 2015 volume of subsidies was 16,9  bln RUB.

Latest initiative of the Ministry of economic development is devoted to the problems of effectiveness and productivity of support of small and medium enterprises. In fulfillment of the Federal Law from June 29,2015 №156-FZ «On the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of development of small and medium-size businesses in the Russian Federation» December 23, 2015 the Government Regulation № 1410 «On procedure of monitoring by Joint-stock company «Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises» of support by the federal bodies of executive power, authorities of subjects of the RF, self-governing authorities to small and medium-size businesses and SME infrastructure forming companies» was enacted. 

By this regulation rules for conducting by the Federal Corporation on development of small and medium-size enterprises monitoring on authorities support of small and medium-size enterprises were confirmed.  Report form for monitoring results was also approved.

Among aims of monitoring were defined quality of support, effectiveness and productivity in support use. It lets summarize, systemize and analyze the information about support measures results and prepare improvement proposals.

Monitoring results will be included in the annual report of the Corporation addressed to the President of the RF, to the State Duma, the Council of the Federation and to the Government.

Subscribing for the Information and Analytical system Globas-i®, you can get the List of small and medium-size enterprises and social-oriented non-commercial organizations – recipients of subsidies in Russia. Currently in section Lists we recommend posted on the Globas-i® there are more than 64 000 organizations.

Assets turnover of the largest Russian textile manufacturers

Information Agency Credinform has prepared the ranking of the largest Russian enterprises in textile industry.

Top-10 enterprises in terms of annual revenue were selected according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available period (for the year 2014). The following indicators are calculated: profit dynamics relative previous period, assets turnover and solvency index GLOBAS-i® (see table 1).

The enterprises are ranked by assets turnover ratio: from maximum to minimum value for the year.

Assets turnover (times) is the ratio of sales revenue and company’s average total assets for a period. It characterizes the effectiveness of using of all available resources, regardless the source of their attraction. The ratio shows how many times per year the full cycle of production and circulation is performed, generating the corresponding effect in the form of profit.

For the most full and fair opinion about the company’s financial situation, not only the average values of the indicators should be taken into account, but also the whole set of financial indicators and ratios.   

Table 1. Revenue, revenue growth for a year, assets turnover and solvency index GLOBAS-i® of the largest Russian textile manufacturers (Top-10)
NameRegionRevenue, mln RUB, 2014.Growth /decrease in revenue by 2013, %Assets turnover, timesSolvency index GLOBAS-i®
INN 3730010504
Ivanovo region 5 015,6 -6,1 2,6 207 high
2 LLC Obyedinennaya Tekstilnaya Kompaniya
INN 7706780436
Moscow 2 776,0 142,1 2,1 229 high
INN 7706406478
Moscow 1 475,5 -4,3 1,7 203 high
INN 5018035099
Moscow region 1 704,1 32,8 1,6 187 The highest
5 LLC Teikovskaya tekstilnaya kompaniya
INN 3704006438
Ivanovo region 1 732,4 -43,2 1,5 346 satisfactory
6 LLC Chaikovskaya tekstilnaya kompaniya
INN 5920015180
Perm region 3 178,2 24,7 1,5 212 high
7 LLC TekstilRegionSbyt
INN 7709930111
Moscow 1 833,6 179,4 1,5 214 high
INN 3706008060
Ivanovo region 2 347,3 0,5 1,0 285 high
INN 6820028830
Tambov region 1 516,1 7,2 0,9 265 high
INN 7722508646
Moscow 1 809,5 34,5 0,5 299 satisfactory
Assets turnover ratio in textile industry is relatively low due to the specificity of technological cycle and relatively low production profitability. The ratio of the industry leader TDL TEXTILE is 2,6 times.

revenue and assets turnover

Picture 1. Revenue and assets turnover of the largest Russian textile manufacturers (Top-10)
According to 2014 results, the annual revenue of Top-10 enterprises amounted to 23,4 bln RUB, that is 13,2% higher than total revenue in 2013. 
Despite the decrease in revenue by 6,1%, TDL TEXTILE LLC holds the first place of the rating, ahead of its nearest competitor (LLC Chaikovskaya tekstilnaya kompaniya) by more than 1,5 times.
TDL TEXTILE LLC is the absolute leader of the textile Russian market; it is the largest manufacturer and seller of fabrics and sewing products. The company takes 10% of the cotton fabrics market, 6% of the home textile market and more than 30% of the gauze and dressings market in Russia. Since August 2012 the company has launched the new modern manufacture of blankets and pillows.
Own production premises allow to produce competitive finished fabrics and sewing products. Trademarks of home textile "Vasilisa", "Aura", "Vasilek", "ECO" are well known among country and abroad.