Information agency Credinform has prepared the ranking of football clubs of Russia in terms of return on investment ratio.
The largest companies in terms of turnover for the last available period in the Statistical register (2014) were taken for the ranking. Further the top-10 football clubs were ranked in descending order of return on investment ratio for 2014 (Table 1).
Return on investment (%) is calculated as a ratio of net profit (loss) to net worth. Indicator demonstrates revenue level taken from investments that is how many monetary units an enterprise needs to get one monetary unit of net profit.
For the most full and fair opinion about the company’s financial position, not only return on investment level with should be taken into account, but also the whole set of financial indicators and ratios.
Full name | Net profit (loss) 2014, mln RUB | Sales revenue, 2014, mln RUB | Sales revenue, 2014 to 2013, % | Return on investment, 2013, % | Return on investment, 2014, % | Solvency index Globas-i |
JSC FOOTBALL CLUB CUBAN INN 2311067932 Krasnodar territory |
88,7 | 260,5 | 20 | 54,1 | 837,2 | 328 Satisfactory |
JSC FOOTBALL CLUB ZENIT INN 7812005799 Saint-Petersburg |
-5 232,8 | 6 084,8 | 118 | 35,6 | 83,2 | 273 High |
JSC FOOTBALL CLUB ROSTOV INN 6166035680 Rostov region |
-316,1 | 378,2 | 60 | 100,2 | 57,4 | 297 High |
LLC FOOTBALL CLUB ANJI INN 0541024552 Dagestan Republic |
4 243,2 | 3 277,1 | 207 | -29,0 | 41,7 | 228 High |
562,6 | 3 474,8 | 195 | 34,6 | 10,2 | 191 The highest |
LLC FOOTBALL CLUB TOM INN 7017998090 Tomsk region |
-81,0 | 835,5 | 1 882 | 44,5 | 6,3 | 351 Satisfactory |
JSC FOOTBALL CLUB URAL INN 6671129236 Sverdlovsk region |
0,1 | 506,9 | 122 | 0,1 | 0,2 | 232 High |
NPO MINI-FOOTBALL CLUB TYUMEN INN 7203117825 Tyumen region |
0,0 | 196,1 | 86 | -201,2 | -0,4 | 550 Unsatisfactory |
-2 481,1 | 1 895,1 | 137 | -9,8 | -169,9 | 258 High |
-2 555,6 | 4 658,8 | 121 | -34,3 | -725,7 | 308 Satisfactory |
FOOTBALL CLUB ZENIT, with the largest revenue for 2014, is on the second place of the ranking. Share of this club in total revenue volume of TOP-10 clubs is 32%, at that the largest loss of TOP-10 is observed.
FOOTBALL CLUB CUBAN demonstrates the largest return on investment as well as the largest profit in 2014 among TOP-10. According to available data for 2015, return on investment of FC CUBAN kept staying on high level, but decreased to 105,89%. However, this enterprise has got satisfactory Solvency index Globas-i. It is caused by the available information of its participation as a defendant in debt collection arbitration proceedings. For the same reason, as well as for loss in financial structure LLC FOOTBALL CLUB TOM and FOOTBALL CLUB DINAMO-MOSCOW have got the same solvency index Globas-i.
MINI-FOOTBALL CLUB has got unsatisfactory solvency index Globas-i because of bankruptcy petition.
The rest 6 football clubs have got the highest or high solvency index Globas-I, that shows the ability to pay the debts in time and to the full extent.
It worth mentioning that three clubs taking last places of the ranking have negative value of return on investment ratio. Average ratio value among TOP-10 clubs in 2014 is 14%, and average value of industry related with sport activities is 15,4%. It is possible to make a conclusion about positive return of investments, both in organizations operating in sport industry in general and football clubs in particular.
Total revenue volume of TOP-10 football clubs for 2014 is 21,5 bln RUB, that is 32% higher that value for 2013. For the industry related with sport activities in general, revenue growth for the same period is more than 30%. The industry demonstrates revenue growth for the last 10 years. Decrease in this value was observed only in 2011. This is proved by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Picture 2).
Picture 2. Revenue (net) from sale of goods, products, works, services related to sport activities (except for value-added tax, excise duties and other statutory payments), mln RUB.
Football clubs are relatively equally distributed on the territory of 54 regions of the country, that is proved by the data of the Information and analytical system Globas-i about registration of 100 largest clubs in terms of revenue volume for 2014 (TOP-12 regions):
Region | Quantity of football clubs |
Moscow | 8 |
Sverdlovsk region | 8 |
Krasnodar territory | 5 |
Moscow region | 4 |
Volgograd region | 3 |
Voronezh region | 3 |
Kemerovo region | 3 |
Novosibirsk region | 3 |
The Republic of Crimea | 3 |
Rostov region | 3 |
Samara region | 3 |
Tyumen region | 3 |
In June 2016 The Federal Law No. 215-FZ of June 23, 2015 «On the amendments to the Federal Law on the countermeasures against legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way and financing of terrorism» and the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation» was endorsed by the President of the Russian Federation.
The Law defines the beneficiary owner as a physical person, who directly or indirectly owns the legal entity or has the ability to control its actions. The ownership means the dominant participation in the share capital, in other words, the share more than 25%.
According to the Law, the legal entities are obligated to know about their beneficiary owners, make possible and reasonable steps aimed to identify the data specified by the Federal Law No. 215-FZ. Such information contains the following:
- first name, second name and paternal name;
- nationality;
- date of birth;
- the requisites of identity paper;
- the data of migration card or document, confirming the right of foreign citizen or the person without citizenship to stay in Russia;
- residential/registration address or place of residence;
- taxpayer identification number (upon availability).
The legal entities are obligated to update the above data at least once a year, to document this data and keep it for at least 5 years from the date of receipt.
Besides, the legal entities are have to provide this information upon the request of the relevant authorized government bodies in terms established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The breach of duty is punishable by an administrative fine from 30 to 40 th RUB – for officials and from 100 to 500 th RUB – for legal entities.
According to The Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, the data about physical persons is a personal data. The requirements for collection, accumulation, storage and dissemination of personal data are identified by the same Law. To satisfy the requirements, the personal data processors are obligated to make the relevant organizational and technical operations, which require the certain material costs. These are quite expensive operations even for large enterprises; it might be tens of millions RUB. To reduce costs in this case is quite difficult as the corporate information systems have their specifics, this, in turn, leads to additional threats. For this reason the execution of procedures relating to personal data will be quite expensive for small and medium enterprises.
Information about personal data processing and storage procedures in the Internet can be found in our publication: