Profitability of products (services) of the largest Russian film industry companies

Information agency Credinform offers a ranking of the largest Russian film industry companies (companies, producing, selling and distributing movies, videos and television programs). The companies with the largest volume of annual revenue (TOP-10) were selected for the ranking, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available periods (for 2015 and 2016). Then (Table 1) they were ranked by product profitability ratio. The analysis is based on data of the Information and Analytical system Globas.

Product profitability ratio is calculated as the relation of sales revenue to expenses from ordinary activity. Profitability in general indicates the economic efficiency of production. The analysis of product profitability allows to conclude about the expediency of release of products or services. There are no normative values for indicators of this group, because they vary strongly depending on the industry.

The experts of the Information agency Credinform, taking into account the actual situation both in the economy as a whole and in sectors, has developed and implemented in the Information and Analytical system Globas the calculation of practical values of financial ratios that can be recognized as normal for a particular industry. For film industry companies the practical value of product profitability ratio was from 5,62% in 2016

For getting of the most comprehensive and fair picture of the financial standing of an enterprise it is necessary to pay attention to all combination of indicators and financial ratios.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, product profitability ratio, solvency index Globas of the largest Russian film industry companies (TOP‑10)
Name, INN, region Revenue, mln RUB Net profit, mln RUB Product profitability ratio, % Solvency index Globas
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
INN 7814142737 St. Petersburg
1 563,2 1 655,4 134,0 83,9 8,49 12,76 214 Strong
Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing LLC
INN 7710658679 Moscow
4 879,6 6 598,8 177,0 278,0 6,19 7,26 165 Superior
INN 7701380000 Moscow
4 748,1 9 577,9 33,8 21,8 20,58 6,84 276 Medium
INN 7704632802 Moscow
4 162,0 5 185,6 -1 280,4 468,1 -2,57 6,09 265 Medium
INN 7704742724 Moscow
2 566,5 2 377,0 110,9 36,5 9,37 5,79 291 Medium
INN 7704243411 Moscow
2 393,4 2 664,8 68,1 23,4 3,93 2,90 550 Insufficient
INN 7704232681 Moscow
2 562,9 2 889,6 66,0 64,9 2,35 2,74 176 High
INN 7705995118 Moscow
3 145,1 3 708,6 -126,0 32,1 2,17 2,49 236 Strong
INN 7705353706 Moscow
4 921,5 5 106,7 80,1 -166,0 1,94 2,47 550 Insufficient
INN 7725593209 Moscow
2 677,8 3 106,5 0,4 18,0 1,51 1,78 266 Medium
Total by TOP-10 companies 33 620,1 42 870,7 -736,1 860,8      
Average value by TOP-10 companies 3 362,0 4 287,1 -73,6 86,1 5,40 5,11  
Industry average value 40,5 41,1 -1,1 0,4 1,95 2,67  

The average indicator of the product profitability ratio of TOP-10 companies is below the practical value and above the industry average one. Four from TOP-10 enterprises increased revenue and net profit indicators in 2016 in comparison with the previous period. Other companies decreased revenue or profit indicators (are marked with red filling in columns 3 and 5 in Table 1).

Picture 1. Product profitability ratio and revenue of the largest Russian film industry companies (TOP-10) Picture 1. Product profitability ratio and revenue of the largest Russian film industry companies (TOP-10)

As a whole, over the past 10 years the industry average values of the product profitability ratio were below the practical value of 2016, with a downward trend (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Change in the average industry values of the product profitability ratio of the largest Russian film industry companies in 2007 – 2016 Picture 2. Change in the average industry values of the product profitability ratio of the largest Russian film industry companies in 2007 – 2016

Eight TOP-10 companies got Superior/High or Strong/Medium solvency index Globas, that testifies to their ability to repay their debt obligations timely and fully.

RAIZING STAR MEDIA LLC and CINEMA PARK NJSC got Insufficient solvency index Globas, in connection with the information on their participation as defendants in arbitration cases and the detection of negative signs of unreliable organizations.

Enforcement of foreign judgments on confiscation of criminal proceeds on the territory of the Russian Federation

The Federal Law «On amendments to the Federal Law «On enforcement proceedings» as of 05.12.2017 №382-FZ defines the procedure of enforcement of foreign judgments in Russia related to confiscation of criminal proceeds on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with international agreements of Russia and procedural law. Thus, the foreign judgments are comprised of judicial verdicts and decrees, including verdicts and decrees of arbitration courts.

Distrained or seized property withdrawn in accordance with judicial decree should be turned into government property by transferring to the relevant authorities on condition that it does not conflict with international agreements of Russia. According to active legislation, seized property refers to property withdrawn or arrested on the basis of judicial decree.

If there are no relevant international agreements, the enforcement of foreign judgments is carried out according to principle of mutuality confirmed by written obligations of foreign States, received by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in accordance with first part of Article 457 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.

The amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation were made by the Federal Law as of 05.12.2017 №382-FZ by adding new chapter 55.1. «consideration and resolution of issues, related to admission and enforcement of foreign judicial verdicts and decrees in terms of confiscation of criminal proceeds on the territory of the Russian Federation».

The Articles of the chapter from 473.1. to 473.7. defines the following:

  • the procedure of admission and enforcement of foreign judgments and the content of relevant requests;
  • the courts competence and the order of relevant requests consideration in judicial authority;
  • reasons for refusal of admission and enforcement;
  • the content part of court decisions upon the results of consideration;
  • procedure for issuing writs of execution and their direction on compulsory enforcement.