Market and industry research

Information is a key resource for doing business. Industry research will help in studying the market features, determining the dynamics and prospects for development, analyzing key players and closest competitors. Expert vision based on the information contained in Globas.

The data obtained will help identify industry trends and adjust the company's development strategy.

Market research

Market research

Analytical reports

Assessment of the market conditions, its trends and competitive environment. The report contains only the relevant official information, provided with comments and expert opinions. It helps to mitigate commercial risks in strategic business planning and reduce the time spent on obtaining a report.

Market research

Market research


A list of companies ordered by selected parameters: solvency, revenue, profitability, etc. The ranking report can help to identify the most successful companies and select promising partners for cooperation.


We periodically publish reviews and industry rankings on current topics in Journal. Any of the presented rankings can be expanded to the TOP 100 or TOP 1000 on request. To get acquainted with the format of the research, look at the publicly available rankings of the TOP 10 enterprises.

Research on your own

Due to a large number of tools, you can create your own research, analytical reports and rankings within Globas. Create selections of companies according to any criteria with statistics, analyze markets and industries, research the competitive environment without restrictions with a subscription to Globas.



Business partner check
in Russia and worldwide


An effective analytical tool for business owners, managers, corporate economic security experts, risk managers, lawyers, credit analysts, purchasing managers, sales managers, marketers.
